Monday, February 25, 2008

I finally bought a MP3 Player - and Incomplete on the commute test

Since the music service I subscribe to, Rhapsody, is not compatible with the most popular iPod, I needed to get an MP3 player since I'm tired of carrying an old cassette walkman when I go for a run. I chose the Sansa View with 8 GB memory, which roughly translates into 2,000 songs. I'll be able to listen to mellower stuff when on the Metro, heavier stuff when I'm running, or whatever stuff Rhapsody Channels gives me when I connect the player to my in-shipment new laptop. I can't wait to finally enter the MP3 player world. Why is it that "techies" like me are often among the last to adopt to technological trends in their own personal life? Heck, my home desktop is five years old and I finally bought it's replacement since I needed one, especially one with a lot of RAM.

In my last entry, I mentioned how impressed I was with how the DC-area populace handled the commute from the latest "winter storm". Well, the area never really got the chance to pass a second commute test last Friday. I guess it was icy in spots, since the government was on unscheduled leave policy. As a contractor, I have to make every effort to get there. Granted the only time I have to get in a motorized vehicle is a 3 minute shuttle ride to the Metro from my apartment complex, but I has no issues with ice at all. Since there wasn't any dangerous conditions that I knew of, the grade is Incomplete.

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